Please Attend
The event on June 21st and July 5th were a success with a very large crowd of approximately 400 residents. The next hearing will be on July 19, at 7:30pm in the Board of Ed Building, 2301 Rt 27, Somerset. Please attend, your presence will have a great impact on the Board members!
Our Accomplishments
- Ban on warehouses within 500 ft of residential areas in all of Franklin Township
- Rezoning of most properties on Mettler’s Rd to Agricultural or Rural- Residential (ordinance # 4771-22)
- Trucks over 4 tons prohibited on Mettlers Rd as well as vehicles of ANY size standing and/or idling there. Cameras to be installed by Township for monitoring
- Amendment to Franklin Township Noise Code prohibiting trucks to enter warehouses on a Scenic Corridor between 10PM and 7AM on weekdays; 8PM and 9AM on weekends and legal holidays. More details at TapInto – Franklin Township
- Reduction in B9’s size by 30,000 sq ft. (Application still under review)
- Traffic study on congestion and safety concerns related to heavy trucks on our roads funded by the Towns
Below is a short annual update on the Citizens Warehouse Action Group since its formation just over a year ago. As you can see, our achievements are amazing! We could not have accomplished this without your help and support. Thank you!!
CWAG was formed to oppose the construction of the B9 warehouses at the corner of Mettlers and Schoolhouse Rds —-100 feet from Canal Walk.
HEALTH and SAFETY risk; FLOOD hazard, ENVIRONMENTAL impact; Diminished QUALITY of LIFE.
On the advice of respected professionals, hired a team of experts (land use attorney, hydrologist, planner and noise expert) to present our case during B9 review hearings and started a fundraising effort
Approximately $40,000 have been raised thus far from generous donations from CW residents, CWAG members and the general public through GoFundMe; fundraising events such as T-shirt sale, Community Walk, Pickleball, Bocce and Card game events, Dinner Dance
Significant non-monetary contributions have been donated by CW residents and local businesses
Funds are being used for attorney’s, planner’s, hydrologist’s and noise expert’s fees and a stormwater report (96% of funds). 4% of funds have been used for printing and rental fees related to fundraising and awareness events
Interested in joining our group? Email
Your continued support at the review meetings and through your donations will help us immeasurably in our fight for the well-being of our Canal Walk community.
Our GoFundMe page:
Collection of hundreds of signatures on petitions sent to NJDEP and DRCC.
Active participation in FT Council, Planning and Zoning Boards and Environmental Commission meetings advocating for health and safety for all
Repeated lobbying of Local, State, and Federal officials.
Organization of 2 rallies, drawing the attention of NBC Channel 4, NJ Star Ledger,, Franklin Reporter & Advocate and TapInto Franklin.
Public education campaign through social media to inform and update the public
Contact with researchers at Rutgers, Rider and Fordham for expert opinion and advice
Networking with similar NJ grassroot groups to share best practices
With deepest gratitude,
Citizens Warehouse Action Group