July 19 Meeting Recap

Please Attend the Next Event

September 6th, 2023 at the Board of Education building 2301 RT 27, Somerset at 7:30PM

July 19 Meeting Recap

Dear Friends,

On behalf of CWAG, we would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to everyone who attended the Planning Board meeting on Wednesday night.

We are still not finished though as the Planning Board meeting at Franklin Township decided to reconvene on Wednesday, September 6.

Below is a summary of the testimony given by our experts (this is not meant to be all inclusive, but gives you the essence of our experts primary issues):


Our hydrologist, Mary Paist-Goldman, summarized her main concerns which were as follows:

  • The outside firm Link Logistics used for the soil tests did not conduct them in accordance with best practices standards. Among other things, the rules state soil tests must be taken during the wet months of January through April. However, the outside firm did their testing in August, one of the driest months of the year.  
  • In addition, the outside firm did not use updated rainfall data which is also now standard practice. The new projected rainfall data for Somerset County is 48% higher than the data used in the Link Logistics report. Their report dates back to the 1960’s! 
  • Mary also stated that the water basins, where all the runoff from the site will be funneled and collected, were a major concern. Specifically, the largest of the three basins which, given its size, is classified as a level 4 dam. This dam will be built to hold 1 million plus gallons of runoff. If a dam of this size is compromised, all that water and debris will flow across Mettlers Road onto Canal Walk property jeopardizing the homes on Bryant Court and beyond. 
  • Mary also raised the concern that the landscaper has proposed planting trees on the berms surrounding the dam. Which, based on her 25 years of professional experience, she has never seen. She referenced state regulations which prohibit the planting of trees on berms that surround level 4 dams. The reason is that the roots of these trees will be drawn to the dam in search of water. Thereby compromising the integrity of the berms and increasing the probability of a catastrophic failure.


Our noise expert, Gene Bove 

  • Noted that there was a lack of information in Link Logistics application supporting their claim that noises emanating from these warehouses will not be in excess of established Franklin Township decibel levels. 
  • He also noted that Link did not conduct any studies to back up their claim.
  • Gene’s professional opinion is that the noise levels emanating from this site, with tractor trailers driving in & out 24/7, 365 days a year will most likely exceed established Township maximum decibel levels. 
  • Gene, and his team, conducted decibel level testing that emanated from tractor trailers in a paved parking lot from various angles. This includes air braking, idling, coupling and decoupling of the trailers from the cabs. All the decibel levels were in excess of State and Township max decibel levels established for daytime operations (75 decibels) and nighttime operations (50 decibels). 
  • Gene requested that the board require Link Logistics to hire a firm to conduct sophisticated modeling that will precisely determine whether or not there will be noise violations with the established maximum decibel levels emanating from that site once the warehouses are built. 


Our Planner, Carlos Rodrigues, 

  • Gave compelling testimony and specific reasons why the Board can deny the B9 application, such as fire hazards due to flammable products allowed in this type of warehouse and health risks due to noise and air pollution, all of which would threaten neighbors in the nearby communities.
  • The report Carlos prepared and sent to the Planning Board meeting was very thorough as noted by Planning Board member Charles Brown who said that he thought Carlos’ report was excellent and that it included a number of very compelling points. 

Next Event

The next Planning Board hearing is scheduled for Wednesday, September 6 at 7:30pm in the Franklin Township Board of Ed bldg, 2301 Rt 27, Somerset, NJ 08873We are very close to the finish line and just can’t let up at this critical juncture! Please plan to attend and encourage all your friends to as well.


In addition, we are continuing to raise much needed funds to pay for our attorneys and experts. We implore you, if your means permit, to make a donation.

Click here to donate through Go Fund Me

If you prefer, you can just write a check to: Angie Granados/ CWAG
and mail it to: 

A. Granados 
3307 Jockey Hollow Trl
Somerset NJ 08873

Thank you all again for your continued and steadfast support!

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